alexandra cain
Alexandra Cain is a freelance finance journalist based in Sydney, Australia.
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RBA holds, unemployment the unknown for property prices
Garvan in race to produce the perfect antibody
Winning with an active approach through market cycles
What ETF investors can learn from the Spanish flu
Three myths about inheriting property
Re-thinking fixed interest at the end of the rate cycle
Responsible ETF investing comes of age
Journey of a first home buyer
Accountants need new skills to get ahead
Open banking means challenges ahead for fintechs
Start-up hub Antler aims to create new asset class
Neurodiversity: bringing unique talents to the workplace
ESG can boost SMSF returns but check fine print
Banks must have superpowers to solve financial crime
Family businesses craft unique solutions
What’s an algorithm factory?
Technology drives growth: options for small business
Get personal finance in order before overseas posting
What’s happening with SMSFs?
Should you start a business in Estonia?
How to fix a dead laptop
Euro set to rise as Eurozone holds firm
Bonds an option if equities correct
Can your SMSF buy your business?
Home-town bias to reduce next year
Traders overly focused on Brexit
The consequences of an unlikely Trump victory
Volatility’s back – but that may not be bad
Freelancers are people too
SMSF trustees must acquire property in the correct manner or face steep penalties